Saturday, December 31, 2011

Postman David

I just released a flash game. It started out as a small inside joke, but I ended up putting more effort and features to it on the way. The result is something relatively weird. It's an omnidirectional shooter, but not really your average zombie-themed one - instead the theme is internet discussion forums!

You can check the game at Newgrounds.

The idea is to shoot the smileys and other opponents with your post cannon to satisfy their needs on a bulletin board. Considering actual internet forums, the role of the player could be compared to that of a forum moderator.

The challenge is basically to reach as high a level as possible and to get a good hiscore. The score is defined by two different point types:
  1. Basic points, that determine when you'll pass a level.
  2. Bonus points that you get for high accuracy and getting through the levels quickly.
Through the powerups "Flame" and "Quick Reply" you can get basic points faster by scoring Combo and Frenzy points. With the bonus points you can in principle double your basic points, although in practice 50% addition is already a good achievement when you reach the higher levels. It gets increasingly challenging quite fast, but to make retrying the game from the first level more interesting, you get to choose alternate levels (or "threads") as you progress.

Click here for the full story >>